Sunday, February 26, 2012

Everything Geek: Fan Fiction

Have you ever wondered what happened to a character once the movie is finished? Do you ponder the life path of the protagonist the moment you read the last page of your favourite book? Does the ending to a TV show you like left you begging for more? Or do you simply think: "Man, I could have produced a WAY better movie then that crap!"

Then, my friend, I introduce you to FanFiction.

Fans (as in obsessed leagues of tongue-wagging geeks, not the cooling device) have been altering their favourite stories for years, tweaking the storylines, enhancing the characters' hues, and marking their prrrrecious with their own personal touch.

I first discovered (a hyperlink to the page can be found above, in red.) when reasearching an author whose book I was currently reading. The author in question was Cassandra Clare and the book I was reading was City of Bones, the first book in the Mortal Instruments Trilogy. While reading her biography, I followed a link to her Draco Trilogy, which was described by many as "the best fan-fiction ever".

When I finished reading the third and final "book", Draco Veritas, I was officially hooked and began searching the net for anything homemade and that is when I stumbled upon

There are fan-written sequels, prequels, remakes, reimaginations, and a lot of "children-of" stories. The children of the Losties find the island; The children of Sidney Prescott return to Woodsboro; The children of Buffy become slayers...I think you're starting to get it.

But amidst all the unfinished stories and the cheesy ripoffs, there are golden gems. Like the Scream tv series that documents the life of the characters in Scream 4 prior to the events. It's one of the most reviewed "fanfic" on the website. It's good. Like really good.

I dare you to visit the website and not spend four hours on it.

Candles are out,
Eleven's Ink

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