Tuesday, November 01, 2011

NaBloPoMo 2011 and other random crap - sigh

Sometimes blogging can be difficult. Like this month. *sighzzz*

Apparently - as posted by my facebook and blogger friend Ashlie (visit her blog here) - November is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) and the point of this special title is to entice bloggers to post a different article every day. Yes you read right, everyday.

I average about 15 blog posts per month which is approximately one posting every other day. Now, somehow, someone decided that "Hey, let's make life difficult for people during the most depressive month ever".

Some ideas have come to mind as to how I can make this interesting. One stuck out like a sore thumb.

Every Day of the month I will list off things I like, dislike, appreciate, watch, listen to, etc... - and the lenght of the list will be determined by the day of the month.


November 10th - 10 things I hate about you
November 17th - 17 things I say way too much

You get the picture. You will be able to view all NaBloPoMo posts by clicking on namesake's label. Tune in every day for a different list and chime in on what you think. Let's change and make November fun!!

The Infected: Blog Story
The Infected: Blog Story will continue to be posted on tuesdays and will incorporate NaBloPoMo in sometimes serious ways, othertimes more hilarious ways. There will be no lists on tuesdays. I'm not a friggen' machine, ya know!!

What's new?

I will be requesting TWO articles written by guest bloggers that will be published here on November 5th. I already have one candidate, still looking for a second. You will be credited and shall be able to participate in the blogosphere's fastest-growing trend right now: guest blogging.

Once The Infected: Blog Story ends its run in January, a new blog story will come to life. I'm undecided between Student Cemetary: Blog Story and the Downhill/Downpour/Downfall trilogy. You will have to keep watch in January!!

With that being said, there goes my social life for November.

Candles are out,
Eleven's Ink

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